Opportunities for Overseas Outstanding Youth in 2023! NAU is Waiting for You


Nanjing Audit University Global Recruitment


01 University Overview


Nanjing Audit University is the only full-time higher education institution named with audit worldwide, acknowledged as one of the origins of audit education in China. The university was founded in 1983, renamed Nanjing Audit College in 1987, and amalgamated with Nanjing Finance College in 2002. In 2011, NAU became a university jointly built by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the National Audit Office and the People's Government of Jiangsu Province. In 2013, it became a master's degree awarding institution, and was approved by the Ministry of Education in 2015. It was approved as a doctorate degree awarding institution (to be constructed) in 2021, and officially authorized as a doctorate degree awarding institution in 2022. The university was also approved as a B-class university under the Jiangsu High-level University Construction Peak Plan. NAU has being developed into a cradle for audit professionals, a research base for audit science, a think tank for audit development and a window for international audit communication. Currently, the university has two campuses in Pukou and Mochou. The Party School of the National Audit Office and the Audit Cadre Education Institute of the National Audit Office are located at Pukou Campus. NAU is originated from audit, devoted to audit, prospering for audit and developing with audit. It has established an academic system featuring mutual support and coordinated development of economics, management, law, engineering, arts, science and other diverse disciplines, with audit as its hallmark. The university has a full-time enrollment of more than 18,000 undergraduates, postgraduates, and international students, as well as a faculty of 1,200 teachers. NAU has 1 first-level discipline authorized for doctorate degree, 8 first-level disciplines for master’s degree, and 13 disciplines for professional master’s degree; it also has 2 preponderant disciplines of Jiangsu universities and 6 key cultivation disciplines of Jiangsu Province. Engineering of NAU has entered among the top 1% of ESI international discipline rankings.


02 Project Profile


In order to further improve the talent funding system of science foundation, apply the function of the Science Foundation of cultivating talents, and attract outstanding overseas young talents to return (come) to China for work, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) will continue to implement the NSFC Outstanding Youth Science Fund Project (overseas) in 2023.


The Outstanding Youth Science Fund Project (overseas) aims to attract and encourage outstanding overseas young scholars (including non-Chinese talents of foreign nationalities) who have made achievements in natural sciences, engineering technology or related disciplines to return (come) to China for work, and to independently choose their directions for innovative research. The project promotes the development of young scientific and technical talents, cultivates a group of outstanding backbone academics expected to work in the world's scientific and technological frontier, and thereby contributes to the construction of a powerful country in science and technology.


03 Application Requirements


1. Qualifications


(1) Applicants should comply with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, have good scientific ethics, and consciously practice the spirit of scientists in the new era;


(2) Date of birth after January 1, 1983 (inclusive) is required;


(3) A doctorate degree is essential;


(4) The research directions mainly concern natural sciences, engineering and technology, including but not limited to data science and big data technology, statistics, computer science and technology, software engineering, information systems and management, engineering management, management science and engineering, economics, business administration, etc.. Interdisciplinary talents are preferable who solve social and economic problems with data, computer and information technology.


(5) After receiving the doctorate degree and before March 15, 2023, applicants are generally expected to have formal teaching or scientific research positions in overseas universities, research institutions or enterprise R&D institutions, and have minimum 36 consecutive months of work experience; for those who have received doctorate degree overseas and have made distinguished achievements, the duration requirement for of work experience may be accordingly negotiable.


(6) Applicants should have obtained scientific research or technological achievements recognized by peer experts, and possess development potential to become academic leaders or outstanding talents in the related fields.


(7) For those who currently have not returned (come) to China for full-time work, or have returned (come) to China for work after January 1, 2022, applicants must resign from overseas employment or assume unemployed status overseas after receiving the funding notification, and thereafter return (come) to China for minimum 3 years of full-time work.


2. Restrictions


Applicants must implement the requirements of CPC central committee departments on coordinating the national plan for scientific and technological talents. Applicants should undertake only one project at the same level within the national plan for scientific and technological talents, and are not permitted to apply against the requirements.


04 University Support Policy


1. Project funding: RMB 1 to 3 million.


2. Funding duration: 3 years.


3. Position: appointed as professor, doctoral supervisor or master supervisor, enrolled as public institution staff of the university.


4. Remuneration: annual salary of RMB 900,000 to 1,000,000, plus relevant bonus package. Supporting funds for scientific research are provided. Additionally, the university pays monthly housing fund, grants housing and transportation subsidies, and pays social insurance according to relevant provincial and municipal regulations. If the applicant holds a foreign nationality, the relevant provincial, municipal and university regulations shall be followed.


5.  Housing: The university provides accommodation of no less than 130 square meters on campus or nearby, furniture included. Negotiation will be based on individual demands.


6. Team building: Offices and laboratories are provided, while innovation team building supported, and priority given to the recruitment of young teachers and full-time scientific researchers. The enrollment of postgraduate students will be policy-oriented.


7. Support with additional resources: successful applicants will be preferentially recommended to apply for key talent projects above provincial level; spouse work, children can study nearby the affiliated kindergarten and primary school of Nanjing Audit University. Assistance will be provided with school enrollment for children and employment for spouses. Children may enter the affiliated kindergarten and primary school to Nanjing Audit University in the proximity.


8. For unselected applicants for the project, the recruitment procedures will be applicable according to the university's high-level talents enrollment measures, with competitive remuneration provided. Negotiation will be based on individual demands.


05 Application Instructions


1.  Qualified applicants shall sign an employment contract or intention agreement with the university, according to the requirements of project guidelines. Please login information systemhttps://isisn.nsfc.gov.cn/before March 10, 2023, Fill in the online application form for the NSFC Outstanding Youth Science Fund Project (Overseas) (hereinafter referred to as the application form). Applicants shall be responsible for the authenticity of the submitted application materials. Applicants should fill in the application form online with simplified Chinese or English based on the instructions and outline requirements of the application form, and upload the attachments.


2. Please find for reference the detailed information on project application guidelines, ways of application and related matters in the NSFC website: https://www.nsfc.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab434/info83268.htm.


3. The university will contact the relevant schools ASAP, and subsequently arrange responsible staff to assist you in your application, based on your application majors and directions.


06 Contact Information


Please send your résumé to chenshi@favoritetranslations.com, with the subject “Application Intention for Overseas Outstanding Youth Project (“海外优青申报意向”).Your résumé should include your basic information, contact information, education and work experience, and major academic achievements (papers, projects, patents and awards, etc.).


1. Policy Consultation: Ms. Chen/Ms. Ma

Office Number:025-58318830025-58313996

Contact Email: chenshi@favoritetranslations.com170215@favoritetranslations.com


2. Project Consultation: Ms. Li

Office Number: 025-58318290

Contact Email: 170097@favoritetranslations.com


Contact Address: Personnel Department of Nanjing Audit University, 86 Yushan West Road, Pukou District, Nanjing; Zip code: 211815


*NB: The English version for reference is subject to the original text in Chinese

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